It finally happened. We went to the DOC information centre in Twizel and we were able to talk to a knowledgeable staff member. Time after time, the people we are able to talk to at DOC are not the ones who are out on the trails, and we are generally not wanting to do the one hour tourist loop so we inevitable leave frustrated. But Richard McNamara at Twizel was great. We had reservations about the route we had come up with ourselves, we thought it went through a lot of private land. It did, so seemed too complicated to attempt it. We ended up with a much better route though that took us up river valleys and over ridges.
We walked past Lake Ruataniwha and Ohau to Freehold Creek. We ended up walking up the ridgeline in between Freehold and Parsons Creeks. It was another stunning day where we woke to clouds, but after about an hour of walking they broke apart and we were given amazing views over the lakes and glacier covered mountains. It was a steep climb, but well worth it.
The walk down the other side into Snowy Gorge River wasn't quite so fun. The barren ridgeline was replaced with waist high tussock, uneven ground and spiky tipped plants. We have actually just learned the name for our most hated plant. The Spaniard, or appropriately nicknamed Bayonet Plant, is the real name for what we had dubbed 'The Spiky Plant of Death', or SPOD for short. This one draws blood when you walk past it and Dennis had a particularly painful experience with it in the Nelson Lakes National Park when he slipped down a bank and ended up with 22 holes in his right hand and wrist when he landed in the plant. But we're pretty good at avoiding them now and the hut at the end made it all worth it.
From the Snowy Gorge River Valley we headed up the Ahuriri Valley and over into Dingle Burn Valley. This was another beautiful valley with jagged peaks, glaciers and cool gorges as we went down. Pity about the sandflies though. We haven't had to deal with the dreaded sandflies in quite a while, our two days in the Dingle Burn Valley sure made up for it though. Our first night at the Top Dingle Hut was bearable, we were dressed in socks, full length pants and long sleeved tops which kept them away, we just couldn't have our headlamps on after dark. Our second night at Bush Hut was another story. It was insanely hot in the hut but opening the door or window would've been suicide. We ate dinner sweltering in our long clothes, our wrists and hands getting attacked from every angle. Eventually we couldn't take it anymore and, for the first time, abandoned the hut for our tent. We were speed machines. That tent has never been put up so fast, we threw our gear and ourselves into it then went on a five minute killing spree to get all the flies that managed to get in. I didn't want to get out of the tent in the morning. I woke to the mesh screen completely covered in bugs, it sounded like rain because so many of them were flying into the side. Again, the tent was down in record time, I could hardly see Dennis when he was rolling it due to the swarm of bugs surrounding him. Sandflies are definitely the downfall of some of the most scenic spots down here.
We headed out of the valley to the shores of Lake Hawea, my favourite lake so far. We were following a really cool gravel road cut into the cliff which gave us amazing views of the surrounding mountains and deep water.
On this section we also finally did a 40km day. We've got close before with 39 and 38km days but we figured we had to cross the 40 threshold before the end of our trip. We'd started the morning walking down a river with endless crossing in freezing water so we needed a fast paced afternoon to make it. But hey, if we're going 40, we may as well make it a marathon. We ended the day with 42.4km behind us, and our bodies were holding up fine.
We're currently in Wanaka having a couple of rest days. We're thinking of moving here for the winter once the hike is done so we want some time to check it out. It seems strange to think about snow in this crazy heat but we like it here so far.
Alice walking up the Freehold Creek ridge with Lake Ohau in the background
The view up Dingle Burn River to the start of the valley
Dennis doing the steep scramble down to Dingle Burn
Alice and Dingle Burn river gorges
Lake Hawea